Allentown Tenant Association
Welcome to our temporary website until we can get our regular website back up and running. This website will be used until our regular website is back up and running and will serve as a backup website. We are still working on this website so check back regularly for additional content but to view tenant rights information visit the "tenant rights" page. To find out how you can contact us, visit the "Contact" page. Also visit our "FAQ" page to view frequently asked questions, we will be adding additional questions daily. We apologize our regular website is currently inactive but wanted to provide tenants with a website to use in the meantime. Our regular domain of is still active and will automatically direct you to this website.
Announcements & Information |
Unfortunately our Co-founder Kenneth Heffentrager has passed away on February, 12, 2023. Ken Heffentrager ATA Co-founder Memorial Video Memorial video for Kenneth Heffentrager who was the Co-founder of the Allentown Tenant Association. Him and Julian Kern started the tenant association on December 27th, 2011. Ken passed way on February 12th, 2023. 12/06/1970 - 02/12/2023 Facebook Video: YouTube Video: |